The Far Side


When I was a kid, the idea of playing video games for a living was a cartoon punchline.

Behind the Scenes: Stranger Things on Twitch


My job at Twitch is coming up with programming ideas for various brands. Let’s say a plumbus brand wants to reach the Twitch audience. I sit in a room, think really hard about plumbuses, then say something like, “Let’s send a thousand plumbuses to the moon, strapped to flying armchairs, and the armchairs are playing CS:GO.”

The plumbus brand would probably say something like, “Can the armchairs be dining chairs and can they play Gang Beasts instead?” And I would say, “Probably.”

That’s my job. I think of a crazy (and sometimes less crazy) thing to do. If a brand likes it, it sells. Then, someone else entirely has the arduous task of making my crazy idea come to life. It is a good job.

Unfortunately, I don’t often get to be on set when my idea comes to life. I’m usually back in that room thinking of another thing to do with plumbuses. But, just last week, the stars aligned and I had the luxury of visiting the set for a program I was extremely excited about – a sort of Twitch plays haunted basement for Netflix’s Stranger Things.

It was fucking terrific. Huge props to iiJeriichoii and the boys at N3rdfusion for being awesome hosts and very good sports. Check out the VOD of the entire broadcast here. A few behind-the-scenes photos behind the cut.

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Long Time, No Me


It’s been a while. I’m sorry.

I started a new job at Twitch and have been very pre-occupied.

Hopefully, I’ll find a way to make and do more things.

In the meantime, I occasionally post games-related stuff to the Mariethebee FB page. Follow me there?

Plug & Play [ICYMI]

My second attempt at video and I am very pleased with the results! In case you missed it, this is indie art game Plug & Play:

You should definitely play Plug & Play. It’s available now on Steam, iOS & Android.


Games Can Teach You How to Read and/or Win Wheel of Fortune

Sam Lundquist is a Wheel of Fortune winner with one of the fastest solves in the show’s history. In this Story Mode, he shares how video games (specifically King’s Quest 2) taught him to read, and how a lifelong love affair with the Wheel of Fortune video game prepared him for real-life winnings. Behind the cut, pics and video of Sam on Wheel. 

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HCF Podcast #12: Nintendo on Mobile, Touchscreens Are Gross, Mac vs. PC


In this episode, Chris, the Nintendo fanboy, talks about his total lack of excitement for Nintendo IPs on mobile. Guess what? He hates smartphones and particularly touch interfaces. I try to figure out how nature could have gone so terribly wrong with the man’s brain before we completely devolve into arguing about PCs vs. Macs. Essentially: We are cranky old people who are having a hard time watching the world change around us.


Story Mode Now on iTunes & Stitcher!


Good news, everyone! Story Mode is now available as a podcast on iTunes and Stitcher! This means you can subscribe to the show and receive automatic updates each time I post new content! HOORAY!

If you like what you’ve been hearing, there’s so much more to come! Please help me keep the dream alive by subscribing. 🙂

Thanks for all the support!

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